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The Bad Effects If You Rarely Drink Water

About 2/3 of the human body consists mostly of water. So do not be surprised if you must still always maintain the balance of water in the body by diligently drinking water, which in recent times is often associated with the term Healthy Hydration.

Healthy Hydration is the amount or volume of water that is sufficient according to the needs for a healthy life. Scientifically, healthy hydration is the amount or volume of sufficient and quality water according to the need for a healthy life characterized by normal plasma body osmolality.

The fluid requirements based on the 2019 Nutrition Needs published by the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health are :

  • Children aged 4-6 years: 6 cups per day
  • Children aged 7-12 years: 7 glasses per day
  • Adult women: 7 glasses per day
  • Pregnant woman: add 1 glass
  • Nursing women: add 3 cups
  • Adult men: 8 glasses per day

The amount of water in the body itself can decrease due to a lack of water intake. However, it could also be because the water that comes out of the body is not proportional to the incoming. If this happens, you will experience a variety of bodily functions. What are the things that might happen to the body due to rarely drink water? Check out the following explanation.

Various health problems due to rarely drink water

Health problems caused by lack of water depending on how low the water level is in the body. Symptoms that appear are very varied, ranging from mild, severe, to fatal or even life-threatening.

Here are some health problems that are triggered by low water levels in the body because they rarely drink water.

Impaired bodily functions in general

Symptoms of a lack of water in the body are generally categorized by the length of the body's lack of water, which is acute and chronic.

An acute lack of body water (in the short term) can trigger several symptoms such as:

  • Thermoregulatory disorders (adjusting body temperature without being affected by environmental changes)
  • Confusion
  • Headache or vertigo
  • Difficult to concentrate
  • Weak or weak
  • Stiff muscles
  • Shrinking skin
  • Chest and stomach pain
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Decreased blood pressure

Then, if you suffer from lack of water because you rarely drink white water for long periods of time (chronic), the symptoms may appear:

  • Constipation
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Stone formation in the urinary tract
  • Hypertension
  • Gallstones
  • Dental disease
  • Impaired function of certain organs

Here is a more specific explanation of how a lack of body water affects the function of certain organs because you rarely drink.

Brain function

When the body lacks water, cognitive functions in the brain such as attention (attention or concentration) and memory (memory) will be disrupted. In addition, mood or mood can also experience changes marked by drowsiness or decreased physical performance.

Kidney and urinary tract

Disorders of the first urinary tract are the formation of stones. To avoid this, it is recommended that you increase your water intake to produce 2.3 liters of urine per day.

Then, lack of body water can also trigger urinary tract infections caused by several factors such as volume, flow, and decreased urination frequency. In addition, the lack of water also increases the risk of kidney damage to trigger bladder cancer.

Digestive tract

If you only defecate less than three times a week and the stool consistency is tougher, it means that you have constipation or constipation which can be caused by rarely drinking water. Constipation can occur if you experience a chronic lack of water.

Then, lack of body water can also trigger the formation of gallstones which are prone to cause serious complications.

Skin health

Water is the main component of the skin (consisting of 64% water). If you experience less body water, skin elasticity, and suppleness will decrease. In other words, rarely drinking water can affect your appearance.

Eye function and condition
Eyes need water to prevent dry eyes and discomfort. In addition, vision can also be blurred, itching, until the amount of mucous (mucus) fluid in the eyes will increase if you rarely drink water.

Muscle ability

Muscle function is divided into strength, power, and endurance (strength, energy, and endurance). When you experience a lack of body water, the muscle function will experience limitations. Therefore, water intake is very important when you are doing active moves or doing various physical activities.

Lack of body water is a condition that should not be considered trivial. Various kinds of bodily functions can be decreased and can even trigger fatal health problems.

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