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5 Mistakes That Can Make Your Low Carbohydrate Diet Fail

Low carbohydrate diets are one of the most effective diets to lose weight. The rules are quite simple, namely by limiting carbohydrate intake and consuming more protein. Even so, it turns out that many also failed to undergo a low-carb diet due to making common mistakes.

Common mistakes in low carb diets

Avoiding something that is obviously high in sugar like cake, junk food, or soda may not be that difficult. However, do you know how many carbohydrates need to be reduced? Or, what nutrients need to be consumed more during this diet?

So that you can get the benefits of a low-carb diet optimally, here are some mistakes that you should avoid.

1. Consume too little carbohydrate

Even if you are on a low-carbohydrate diet, that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat carbs at all. You still need to consume carbohydrate sources while balancing it with the intake of protein, fat, and other nutrients.

Eating too little carbohydrates can cause carb crashes (or sugar craving ). This is a condition when the body is very deficient in sugar, causing discomfort, hunger, headaches, and other symptoms that indicate low blood sugar.

Carb crashes usually occur during the first three days on a low-carb diet. If you do not consume carbohydrates at all, this condition can make you, even more, want to eat something sweet. As a result, this diet feels more difficult.

2. Consuming too much carbohydrate

There are no strict rules about the number of carbohydrates that can be consumed in a low-carb diet, but this also makes many people make mistakes. Finally, you don't even get the expected results.

The Carbohydrate intake limit in this diet is usually between 100-150 grams per day. Lower than that, then your body can experience ketosis. This is a condition when the body burns fat as the main energy source because it does not have enough glucose.

You can calculate your daily carbohydrate intake by looking at the nutritional information on food packaging, or searching the data on the internet for fresh food. Pay attention to the total amount of carbohydrates listed, then multiply by the number of servings per package.

3. Fear of consuming fat

Fat is often regarded as an enemy when losing weight. But when the body lacks energy sources due to diet, you need to replace it with another. On a low carbohydrate diet, the replacement energy comes from fat.

Some people think that by reducing fat, their diet will be healthier. This is a mistake that has a big impact because a lack of fat intake will actually make a low-carb diet feel heavier.

So, don't be afraid to consume fat. Choose healthy fats from natural sources such as fish, avocados, and vegetable oils. Fats that must be avoided are trans fats from junk food, processed foods, and foods processed by deep fry.

4. Eat fewer vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are important foods in a low-carb diet. Both of them donate energy, vitamins, and minerals that keep the body functioning normally even in conditions of lack of energy.

Both are also very rich in fiber. Fiber makes you fuller because it takes a long time to digest. According to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, this is the reason why vegetables and fruit are so reliable for weight loss.

However, errors in carbohydrate diets are sometimes caused by mistakenly choosing vegetables and fruits consumed during the diet. Choose vegetables and fruits that contain lower carbohydrates, such as:

  • cucumbers and zucchini
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • paprika and tomatoes
  • cauliflower
  • watermelon
  • fruit berry
  • avocado

5. Fast surrender

When lacking carbohydrates, your body will adjust to burning fat or even protein for energy. These drastic changes not only affect the digestive system, but also the system throughout the body.

You may experience a variety of disturbing symptoms, such as weakness, frequent hunger, headaches, and mood changes. This condition can last for days, and this is what makes many people give up quickly.

This is a mistake in a low-carb diet because the benefits of this diet can only be obtained after adaptation for weeks. If you are having trouble following a low-carbohydrate diet, try to remember the motivation that can make you come back excited.

Low-carb diets actually have a simple principle. However, this principle can also deceive and make you make mistakes. These mistakes ultimately make you difficult or fail to undergo a low-carb diet.

Therefore, make sure you avoid the five points above. Keep your diet balanced by eating enough fat and protein. Complete with regular exercise so that the benefits are more optimal.

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