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Benefits of Stretching Exercises for the Elderly

Happy old age is related to physical health. This needs to be supported by physical activity and the fulfillment of good nutrition. Not only at a young age, but physical activity also needs to be done for those of you who reach old age. A simple exercise that can be done is stretching. This is important to do because, with age, muscle flexibility decreases. Stretching is one of the best choices for maintaining the muscular flexibility of the elderly. There is a variety of stretching and nutritional benefits that are important for the elderly to achieve a good quality of life.

Benefits of stretching in the elderly

Enjoying life by relaxing and not doing much physical activity, can make the elderly accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. The body that is not actively moving makes the muscles stiffer and reduces flexibility. Muscle stiffness that occurs can increase the risk of arthritis. In addition, people aged 65 years and over have the potential for loss of muscle mass when he does not stretch muscles regularly.

In the Journal of Aging Research, examines groups of people over 65 years of age and finds that flexibility is closely related to age and decreased activity. This also affects one's flexibility. Researchers see that physical activity supports the flexibility of the body of research subjects, such as the hip.

The research illustrates the importance of maintaining physical activity in old age. Although this condition is fairly natural, there are still ways for older people to manage flexibility and muscle strength, namely by stretching exercises. Here are some of the benefits of stretching for the elderly that need to be known.

1. Improve physical performance

Muscle flexibility can be trained by doing stretching exercises. If done routinely, the elderly will find it easier to carry out their daily activities, such as lifting objects, bending, rotating, or other repetitive movements.

2. Smooth blood circulation

Stretching in the elderly provides benefits for blood circulation. Body temperature in muscle tissue will increase when you do physical activity. This increase in body temperature contributes to blood circulation in the body.

In addition, when the elderly are physically active, the muscles of the body help the blood circulation to work faster throughout the body. Increased circulation makes the heart muscle race faster. Thus, physical activity drives oxygen supply doubled throughout the body through smooth blood circulation. These benefits certainly support the body of the elderly to stay in shape.

3. Supports body posture

As we age, changes in the posture of an elderly person generally experience osteopenia and osteoporosis, which is caused by reduced bone density. This condition is experienced by women when she enters menopause and men experience this at around the age of 65 years.

In addition to decreasing bone density, muscle mass changes as you age. Muscles will shrink and turn into fat, resulting in weak muscle strength in the elderly. This has an impact on changes in body posture.

Therefore, stretching can help the elderly to improve their posture. Muscle strength that is formed thanks to stretching can support good posture in the elderly. In addition, stretching also reduces the problem of low back muscle pain that is often experienced by the elderly.

4. Reducing muscle tension

Muscle tension usually occurs when the body is not actively moving, thus making the body become stiff and painful. Therefore, stretching muscles needs to be done by the elderly to maintain muscle flexibility to reduce and avoid pain due to muscle tension.

5. Improve coordination 

A weak coordination system makes it easy for the elderly to fall during activities, when he walks, rides a bicycle, or lifts things. Weak coordination systems are also related to the process of losing muscle mass and flexibility. To overcome this, the elderly can do stretching exercises to improve coordination and balance the body. That way, he is able to carry out activities more optimally because his body's coordination is balanced and not easy to fall.

Tips on doing stretching exercises for the elderly

Stretching exercises need to be done in difficult areas when doing repetitive movements. However, the main stretch needs to be done by exercising some muscles such as the neck, legs, hands, shoulders, and hips. This stretching of muscles can be done independently at home. For comprehensive movements, you can take a tai chi class with a professional teacher.

For activities to be maintained, at least the elderly need to do stretching exercises every day with a duration of 15-30 seconds on each part of the body. You can repeat each movement 3-5 times.

As for some tips to keep in mind when stretching exercises.

  • Consult your doctor about stretching exercises or any exercise you are planning.
  • Before stretching exercises, warm up the muscles first. For example, walking or moving your arms.
  • At first, stretching exercises can cause muscle discomfort. If you feel pain in the knee or other joints, immediately stop stretching exercises.
  • Stretching is done slowly and in no hurry. Avoid jerking or bouncing movements to avoid injury.
  • Try not to bend or lock the joints when stretching. However, you can still bend other body parts.

To be more enthusiastic, invite your partner or friends to join stretching exercises together.

Nutrition is important to support the health and physical activity of the elderly

The health and quality of life of the elderly are not only supported by physical activity but their nutritional adequacy. When on the move, of course, the body needs enough energy so that it is more powerful. Of course, this energy is obtained from a variety of nutritious foods.

Nutrition and physical activity cannot be separated in improving the health and physical fitness of the elderly. Nutrition and physical activity work together to increase the strength of muscles, bones and joints.

Not only that, but the fulfillment of these nutrients is also done to help overcome the problem of loss of muscle mass and bone density that occurs naturally for the elderly. This nutritional intake supports the elderly in gathering energy in supporting the strength of their muscles and bones so that he is strong in carrying out physical activity.

Therefore, the elderly need to eat a variety of foods so that he can get the optimal nutritional benefits. Here are some nutrients that need to be fulfilled by the elderly to improve health and physical activity.

1. Protein

Important protein is included as a nutrient that must be consumed by the elderly. This nutrient aids the condition when losing muscle mass experienced by the elderly with age. Protein consumption can boost the muscle strength of the elderly in increasing physical activity.

Protein can be obtained from the following foods.

  • Poultry
  • Lean beef
  • Fish
  • Egg
  • Tofu and tempeh
  • Nuts
  • Dairy products

Apart from the various foods above, the elderly can also supplement their protein needs with whey protein consumption. Whey protein is a good supplement, especially in increasing muscle mass for the elderly. Researchers see whey protein can be a good alternative for maintaining the quality of health of the elderly.

Whey protein consumption can support the strength of the body of the elderly to perform physical activity independently. Whey protein also helps restore muscle tone when the elderly engage in intense physical activity. That way, the adequacy of whey protein intake and consumption of other nutritious foods helps support the elderly smooth physical activity.

2. Calcium and vitamin D.

Calcium and vitamin D are important nutrients to maintain muscle and bone strength and prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D cannot be produced independently by the body. Therefore, you need to bask in the morning sun to get vitamin D. In the body, vitamin D is responsible for increasing calcium absorption.

Meanwhile, calcium can be easily obtained in foods such as:

  • Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage
  • Tofu
  • Milk and cheese
  • Nuts
  • Fish

Based on Clinical Nutrition Research, calcium has an important relationship in reducing the risk of fractures, as well as other chronic diseases. The benefits of calcium and vitamin D can be obtained optimally for the elderly supported by regular physical activity.

3. Vegetable fat

Fat is still needed by the body when stepping on old age. Wisely, choose vegetable fats obtained from avocados, sesame oil, almonds, macadamia nuts, and cashews. These vegetable fats are known as monounsaturated fats or monounsaturated fatty acids.

Without enough fat, the body is not able to function properly. Fat becomes a source of energy or fuel when the elderly carry out physical activity. Fat becomes reserve energy after carbohydrates. Fat intake in a balanced nutrition menu can help the elderly in increasing physical activity capacity.       

4. Vitamins B12 and B6

The elderly also need to get their intake of vitamins B12 and B6. In general, B12 supports the production of red blood cells and circulates oxygen throughout the body. This benefit can reduce the risk of anemia in the elderly. While vitamin B6 reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Not only that, but vitamins B6 and B12 also support the process of changing proteins and sugars into energy in the body. Fulfillment of vitamins B6 and B12 is important to do so that the elderly are more powerful in carrying out physical activity. Adequacy of vitamin B12 in the daily menu also provides benefits for strengthening the muscles of the elderly in the elderly on physical activity.

You can get the benefits of vitamins B6 and 12 from some of these foods:

  • Salmon and tuna
  • Egg
  • Poultry

Vegetables and fruits, for example, green leafy vegetables, bananas, papaya, and oranges
Some elderly people may experience problems absorbing vitamin B. Usually characterized by anemia. If this happens, consult a doctor immediately. It might be that you are recommended a special supplement or intake to support the absorption of nutrients.

5. Vitamin E

For adults aged 55 years and over, vitamin E is a nutrient that should not be missed. The content of antioxidants in vitamin E can relieve muscle cramps and prevent the dangers of oxidative stress that may arise when the elderly are physically active.

Oxidative stress usually arises due to free radicals caused by air pollution, sun exposure, radiation exposure. Oxidative hazards can disrupt the normal function of cells which can have an impact on the body's immune system in fighting disease. Therefore, the body needs to consume vitamin E which is beneficial in improving immune function.

The harmonious benefits mentioned in the journal Clinics 2019, mentioned the α-tocopherol content in vitamin E can support the body's immune response. This means vitamin E can increase the immune system of the elderly in fighting various diseases.

In addition, research in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity says, vitamin E has anti-aging properties for muscles because of the antioxidant content in it and prevents sarcopenia, the condition of a person losing muscle mass.

You can reap the benefits of vitamin E from the following foods.

  •  Olive oil
  • Canola oil
  • Almond nut
  • Dairy products
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Supplement

Now, you already know a variety of essential nutrients to support the physical activity of the elderly. Make sure the five nutrients are present in every daily food menu. Proper nutrition is balanced with regular stretching exercises to keep your health quality optimal.

Important to remember. in fulfilling daily nutritional intake and supplementation, it helps you consult a doctor to make sure you are on the right track.

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