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6 Health Benefits of Chives Leaves

Chives are herbal plants that belong to the onion ( allium ) family. Indonesian people recognize this plant as 'chives' or 'chives'. Usually, this leaf slice is used as a complement ( garnish ) in chicken porridge or a mixture of spring roll contents.

Plants that have the Latin  Allium tuberosum apparently save a lot of health benefits. Including one of them is believed to help fight cancer cells. However, is it true that this one claim? Come on, find out the answer in this article.

Different chives and leeks

Many people find it difficult to distinguish between chives and scallions because both are long and green. Although it's difficult to distinguish, you can actually distinguish between chives and chives with eyes.

Here are the differences between the two that you need to know:

  1. First, chives have smaller leaves when compared to leeks.
  2. Second, chives tend to be thinner than chives. Besides being denser, leeks generally have a larger cavity.
  3. Third, the entire surface of the chives from end to end is dark green. While on the leeks, the bottom of the roots is white.

Nutrient content in chives

Chives are nutrient-dense foods. This means, these leaves are low in calories but rich in beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Yes, herbal leaf one is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and also choline. If processed in the right way, these leaves certainly offer many good benefits for your body.

Benefits of chives for health

In general, here are some of the benefits of chives that you need to know:

1. Lower cholesterol

This leaf contains allicin, which is organosulfur that is claimed to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Allicin in this herb is responsible for releasing nitric oxide, thereby helping to reduce stiffness in blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

This herb also contains quercetin, a compound that is believed to reduce the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries. Studies show that people who go on a diet high in flavonoids, such as quercetin, have lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

2. Good for bones

Chives have abundant vitamin K content. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health because it helps prevent bone loss.

Vitamin K increases producing a bone protein called osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is what plays an important role in maintaining bone mineral density.

3. Prevent cancer

Various studies have found that vegetables belonging to the allium family (including chives) are known to have anti-cancer properties.

In a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers found that men with a high intake of allium vegetables had a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Other research also shows that the anticancer properties of allium vegetables can help protect you from the risk of esophageal cancer (esophagus) and stomach cancer.

However, further research is still needed with a broader scope to ensure the benefits of chives to prevent cancer.

4. Maintaining brain health

Choline content in chives in fact provides many benefits for the body. Because, choline is one of the important nutrients that can help maintain brain health, including sharpening memories and regulating mood.

This is reinforced by a study published by  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011. The study reported that high food intake of choline helps improve brain cognitive function and storage of verbal and visual memory.

5. Improves vision

This leaf contains carotene lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these compounds are believed to help reduce oxidative stress in the eye and slow the development of cataracts.

Eating these leaves and a variety of other foods that are also rich in nutrients can help improve your vision.

6. Helps relieve stress

Folate can help relieve depression by preventing the formation of excessive homocysteine ​​in the body. Excess homocysteine ​​levels in the body are associated with heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots.

Not only that, but excessive homocysteine ​​levels can also interfere with the production of the hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These three hormones not only regulate your mood but also your desire for sleep and your appetite. So, you can imagine, right, if your body lacks folate?

The good news, chives are one of the foods that contain folate. You can also get folate intake from other foods such as spinach, celery, beans, broccoli, and others.

That must be considered before eating chives

For some people, eating this leaf might not cause any problems, aka the body is still fine. However, another story if you have a history of allergies to this leaf.

You should avoid consuming these leaves if you already have an allergy to any type of onion. Including garlic, onion, onion, and other types of onions. This is done to prevent allergic reactions that are harmful to your body.

For some people, allergic reactions can cause red spots on the skin and itching. Some people may also experience nasal congestion or runny, swollen lips, face, tongue, throat, or other body parts.

Eating too many of these leaves might also cause certain organic compounds in the body to be too high. As a result, you may experience stomach pain or other digestive disorders.

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