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5 Ways to Plant Chayote Squash for Maximum Fruit Result

Chayote grows by propagating. There are grooves on the outer skin that are more similar to the division of fruit segments. If you peel, the fruit will release sap. Therefore to treat it you must soak it in water.

How to plant chayote

Chayote plants are relatively easy to plant. Not surprisingly, the spread of chayote plants is spread evenly in parts of the world. Chayote squash both grows at an altitude of 200-1000 masl. Adaptation of chayote plants is very good, this plant is able to adapt during the dry season or lack of water and is also able to adapt in the rainy season. Chayote will grow optimally on dry soil, well-drained, loose, pH levels around 5-6,5 and rich in organic materials. The average land is acidic, but you can ignore the calcification process to increase pH.

Guidelines for Growing Chayote

How to plant squash can use seeds. The trick is to take seeds from old plants. Then you march in a damp place until it shoots out. Seed requirements for how to plant squash are around 650 seeds/ha. Before planting, your soil should be treated first by hoeing it until it is loose and then given manure. You can provide manure around the planting hole. You can make planting holes by using Portugal. In how to plant squash, you don't need to make beds. But you have to make a ditch for simple irrigation. Trenches are made around the land and between rows of plants. Add 2 - 3 seeds to the planting hole. In how to plant squash, do not forget to give an incentive so the plants can propagate well.

Preserving Chayote

Maintenance in how to plant squash is one of them is the weeding process. Land that has not been completely covered will be easily overgrown with grass and other types of weeds. Do weeding regularly. When chayote plants have produced tendrils, you can add a pin to the vine. You can make Ajir from bamboo which has been divided in two. Plug in the stick around the stem. You can make the height of the ground from around 1.5 m. Each bamboo that you make into a pillar is joined by another bamboo at the top. So it will look like boxes that are interlocking if you look from above. Add more bamboo in a longitudinal position or transverse so that the square of the box becomes 30 x 30 cm. the reduction of the box area on the roof of the booth is intended to make the squash fruit grow perfectly and easy to pick. Make the cast or the people strong, because later the people will support the heavy chayote fruit.

Prune when the squash plant is 3 - 6 weeks old. Old branches that have not grown again are cut off to produce shoots. Fertilization in how to plant squash can be done at the beginning of planting using manure 5 kg per hole. In addition, you can add NPK fertilizer as much as 100 g / hole. Fertilizing is buried near the main stem.

Pest and Disease Control

Pests that often attack chayote plants are grapefruit caterpillars. This caterpillar usually attacks chayote leaves. You can see the signs of this caterpillar attack on bite marks that often leave only the bone leaves. Stomach attacks usually occur at night and during the day the caterpillars will hide into the ground. To overcome this, you can give Azordin a dose of about 2 cc / l and regularly clean weeds around your chayote plants.

In addition to caterpillars, there are also ladybugs that sometimes attack chayote cultivation. Ladybug will leave a wound on the fruit that can cause fungus to grow. As a result, the fruit becomes soft and rot. When the ladybug attacks the leaves, it will cause the center of the plant or the whole plant to dry out. For treatment, you can use Azordin with the same dose as caterpillar treatment.

Another pest that often attacks chayote plants is fruit flies. The fly will attack the chayote and leave the eggs in the fruit. If that happens, the chayote cannot be consumed anymore. To overcome this, you must maintain the cleanliness of the land. In addition, you can wrap fruit or make plastic, banana leaves.

While the disease that often attacks in chayote cultivation is wilt. The cause is Fusarium sp. Young seeds and young plants will easily get this disease. Signs of an attack of wilt are the tips of the leaves wither, then shrink and eventually dry out. If the area of attack with wilt is still small, you can remove the chayote plant and burn it. You can also spray Benlate 2g / l water into plants and on the former soil where the chayote plant is attacked.

Harvest and Post Harvest

The last way to plant squash is harvesting. Chayote squash can be harvested for the first time at 4 months after planting. Chayote is cut by using a knife but do not fall to the ground. The skin of the chayote is very smooth so it is easily scratched, which in turn can reduce the selling value

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