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What is Cholesterol? Is It Useful or Dangerous?

Many people think of cholesterol as an evil substance. In fact, these fatty substances are naturally owned by the body. That is, cholesterol is not a dangerous substance. What exactly is cholesterol and its function for the body? Check out the full explanation about cholesterol and the importance of maintaining normal cholesterol in the body below.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in all cells in the body. According to an article published in Family Doctor, the substance produced by the liver functions to protect the nervous system and make certain cell tissues and hormones.

Besides being produced naturally by the body, these fatty substances can also be obtained from the food you consume, including eggs, meat, and various dairy products. However, too much cholesterol in the body can cause various health problems.

These fatty substances circulate in the body through the bloodstream in the form of lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins that carry these fatty substances throughout the body, namely HDL or High-Density Lipoprotein which is known as good cholesterol and LDL or Low-Density Lipoprotein which is known as bad cholesterol.

Types of cholesterol in the body

After understanding the meaning of cholesterol, now is the time to get to know the various types in the body. Maybe all this time you think that this one fat substance is a substance that should not be in the body and should be avoided. In fact, the body still needs it in the blood, as long as it's normal levels.

The reason is, the body needs HDL to carry out its functions. As long as you can maintain the normal levels, your body can function properly and avoid various health problems.

HDL and LDL must always be in a balanced condition in the blood. This is due, LDL levels that are too high or HDL levels that are too low can have a negative impact on health.

These conditions can cause high cholesterol and increase the risk of various cholesterol complications including heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and heart failure.

Here are two types of blood that you need to know.

Good Cholesterol (HDL)

High levels of HDL in the blood are good for health. In fact, this might be a sign that cholesterol levels in the body as a whole are normal. No wonder so many doctors or health experts advise you to increase HDL levels in the body.

HDL will take excess LDL in the bloodstream to the liver, so LDL can be broken down and excreted from the body. In other words, HDL helps your body maintain total cholesterol levels to remain normal.

This is why high levels of HDL in the bloodstream can make you avoid heart disease or stroke. However, that does not mean the presence of HDL can eliminate LDL as a whole. Only a small portion of LDL can be carried by HDL.

Bad cholesterol (LDL)

If high HDL levels are a good sign for levels in the body as a whole, high LDL levels show different things. LDL is considered bad cholesterol because if the excess amount in the bloodstream can cause a buildup of arteries.

The problem is, this buildup of fatty substances can narrow arteries and block blood flow to the heart. That way, the risk of experiencing various heart diseases also increases. In addition, excessive LDL levels also cause blood clots that can trigger heart attacks at any time.

One way to keep cholesterol levels normal is to reduce LDL levels. You can reduce LDL levels in the blood by improving eating habits, doing regular exercise, or taking cholesterol-lowering supplements if necessary.


Although triglycerides are not one type of cholesterol, you can not simply ignore these substances. Because triglycerides are also one of the most abundant fatty substances found in the body. In order not to be confused about the concept of these two fatty substances in the blood, you need to know the difference between cholesterol and triglycerides.

Triglyceride levels in the blood will also be calculated if you do a lipoprotein panel test. Too much triglyceride levels in the blood, along with high LDL levels and too low HDL levels, have the potential to clog arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Cholesterol levels are normal for children and adults
Considering its existence is still needed by the body, you need to keep cholesterol levels at normal levels. However, note that the normal limits are different for children and adults.

Total cholesterol level means that it consists of calculating LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. Its total blood levels cannot be calculated if no one of the three components have been mentioned.

Cholesterol levels are normal for children

Make no mistake, children also have the possibility of experiencing high cholesterol levels if they do not maintain a good diet. So, as a parent, you need to pay attention to normal cholesterol levels for children.

Total cholesterol levels include LDL, HDL, and triglyceride and other lipid levels. Total cholesterol levels that are considered normal for children aged 2-19 years are 170 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL).

Meanwhile, LDL levels that are still normal for children are 100 mg / dL and HDL levels are 45 mg / dL. For levels of fat in addition to protein which is also present in the body normally is less than 120 mg / dL.

For children, a cholesterol test should first be done between the ages of 9-11 years. After that, the child can do the next test five years after the first test is done. However, there are also children who have done this test since he was only two years old.

Usually, the test is done because the child has a family health history that is associated with high cholesterol levels, heart attacks, or strokes.

Cholesterol levels are normal for adults

Meanwhile, cholesterol levels that are considered normal for adults are slightly different. For example, total fat content in adults is still considered normal if it is at 125-200 mg / dL.

LDL levels are still considered normal if they are less than 100 mg / dL. However, normal HDL levels for women and men are slightly different. In women aged 20 years and over, normal HDL levels are at 50 mg / dL or more, while in men with the same age group, the normal rate is 40 mg / dL and above.

Normal triglyceride levels for adults are below 150 mg / dL. Therefore, you may need to take medication if the triglyceride level exceeds 200 mg / dL.

When entering adulthood, the test should be done every five years. For men who have entered the age of 45-65 years and women who have entered the age of 55-65 years should check their cholesterol levels every 1-2 years.

Various benefits of cholesterol for the body

The existence of these fatty substances is actually really needed to support the body's metabolic processes. So, what are the functions of cholesterol in the body?

1. Cell protectors

The body consists of collections of cells that will form a network and organs. Now, every cell in the body will have an outer layer as a protective layer. This cell protector is made of cholesterol.

This substance includes fat that is rigid, so it is more ideal for maintaining the integrity of cells than other types of fat in the body. Strong cells will form tissues and organs that function optimally.

2. Helps produce vitamin D

Apart from food sources, your body can produce vitamin D automatically when exposed to sunlight. The trick is to change cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol) in the skin into calcitriol. This compound is then directly distributed to the liver and kidneys to produce vitamin D needed by the body.

Vitamin D will play a major role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth and helps the immune system and nervous system function optimally.

3. Hormone-forming

One type of fat is the basic ingredient of hormone formation, especially steroid hormones which include testosterone (male hormone) and estrogen and progesterone (female hormone). Each of these sex hormones plays a role in regulating the function of the human reproductive system.

In addition, this substance also plays a role in the formation of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. Both of these hormones play an important role in regulating blood pressure, responding to stress, and maintaining the body's electrolyte balance.

4. Formation of bile acids

Bile acids are formed by the liver (liver) with the help of cholesterol in the blood. Bile acid itself serves to break down food fat to be absorbed by the body and used as energy.

5. Maintain brain function
The brain is an organ that contains the highest cholesterol compared to other organs. Reporting from the Harvard Medical School page, 25% of body fat is contained in the brain.

In the brain, these fatty substances play a role in facilitating connections between nerves, called synapses, which regulate various brain functions, especially for remembering. Another function of these fats for brain health is maintaining brain cells.

However, all the benefits of these fatty substances can be obtained by keeping the levels within a healthy threshold. Because excess cholesterol levels in the body are associated with an increased risk of various chronic diseases.

Do a cholesterol test

As mentioned earlier, both children and adults are advised to do a cholesterol test. The goal is to find out cholesterol levels in the blood, whether they are at normal limits, too high, or even too low. Moreover, there are often no symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood.

To check cholesterol levels, blood tests will usually be done. Before doing this test, you may be asked by a doctor to fast. That is, you are not allowed to consume food, drinks, and medicines. This fasting period is usually done for 9-12 hours before the test is done.

Blood samples taken at the time of the test are generally taken once. After successful sampling, blood will be analyzed in a laboratory, where HDL, LDL, and triglyceride levels will be measured.

The results of tests of cholesterol levels in the body as a whole are determined by these three components and will be expressed in units of milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL).

If you want your doctor to also measure the risk of heart disease that might occur from the results of a cholesterol test, he will also ask for additional data in the form of age, gender, and family health history. In addition, your doctor may also look for additional information such as whether you have a smoking habit, have diabetes, and also high blood pressure (hypertension).

Keeping your cholesterol levels normal

If after doing the test, the number that appears on the results states that your cholesterol level is within normal limits, you should keep that number. That is, adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to keep the levels from increasing. The following are things you can do to keep the levels normal.

1. Determine a healthy diet

The first way to keep these levels of fat remains normal is to adopt a healthy diet. One of them by avoiding foods that are high in cholesterol such as foods that are rich in saturated fats, such as red meat, dairy products rich in fat, cakes, biscuits, and similar foods.

If you still often eat foods that can increase LDL, then try to limit it from now on in order to keep cholesterol levels normal.

It is better to increase the intake of foods that are good for cholesterol, for example, foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The reason is, this nutrient does not increase LDL levels in the blood. In addition, this nutrient can also help lower blood pressure.

In addition, in order to maintain levels of these fatty substances remain at normal numbers, choose healthy fats for your consumption, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts. The fat contained in these foods will not increase LDL levels in the blood.

Also increase the intake of nutrients such as soluble fiber, because fiber can reduce cholesterol. You can find soluble fiber in foods such as oatmeal, seeds, and fruits such as apples and pears.

2. Doing exercise regularly

You are also advised to increase physical activity to reduce cholesterol levels. Because one of the causes of high cholesterol is lazy to move. Routine exercise can help increase HDL levels in the blood. However, make sure that the sports activities that you do have been approved by a doctor.

Some sports that you can do are walk, bike, or do other sports that might make you more excited while doing it. At least, do light exercise for 30 minutes five times a week. You can also do it together with a partner, friend, or family member to be more excited.

3. Keep weight

You are also advised to maintain ideal body weight. Having excess weight does increase your risk of experiencing high cholesterol. However, this does not mean that people who have the ideal weight or thin are unlikely to experience the condition.

Even so, it's better to maintain weight to prevent or reduce your risk of various types of diseases. Slowly change small habits that have the potential to increase body weight. For example, replace the habit of drinking sugary drinks by always drinking mineral water.

If you want to eat sweet foods, look for foods that are sweet but have low calories. Avoid high-calorie foods such as jelly candy or the like. In addition to changing food choices, you can also change other habits, for example starting to increase walking rather than riding a vehicle while traveling. Especially if the location is relatively close.

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