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Food Guide after Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a procedure usually performed by obese people to help you lose weight. Basically, the bariatric procedure aims to limit the intake of food that enters the body, by way of limiting the stomach space or removing some parts of the digestive organs. Although effective, you still have to maintain your diet after undergoing bariatric surgery.

The importance of keeping your diet after bariatric surgery

Maybe you think that by undergoing this procedure, you can go back to your diet before surgery without worrying about causing weight gain. But in fact, you actually have to take more care of food and drinks that enter the body.

Indeed, bariatric surgery can make weight loss instantly because this operation makes the stomach size smaller, the effect may also be able to change the way the intestines digest and absorb food.

Unfortunately, this operation also reduces the body's ability to absorb various nutrients. Imagine if you did not guard it with a portion of balanced nutritious food, you could have developed the risk of experiencing nutritional deficiencies.

Therefore, you must consider carefully the types of food and the appropriate portions to stay healthy.

Foods that should be consumed after bariatric surgery

The doctor who works with a dietitian will later give you information about what types of food should be consumed and how many servings should be recommended.

This rule is of course you must follow because this diet will help restore abdominal surgery, train you to get used to eating smaller amounts of food, avoid weight gain, and avoid side effects and surgical complications.

Diet after bariatric surgery is usually also done in stages. You will start with a liquid diet before eating solid food later. This process usually lasts for three months, but also depends on the state of your body.

The following are the stages of feeding that you must go through.

Post-bariatric liquid intake

On the first day or after surgery, you are only allowed to drink water for about two days. After the body is accustomed, you may consume other fluids such as:

  • clear broth
  • coffee or decaffeinated tea without sugar
  • unsweetened juice
  • infused water without sugar
  • herbal tea

If the stomach has begun to digest the various fluids, you can proceed with drinking more concentrated liquids. Remember, the drinks you choose should still be low in fat such as skim milk or low-calorie yogurt drinks.

Fine food

Usually, you will begin to enter the stage of eating fine foods or puree after a week or two weeks after bariatric surgery.

When you are not familiar, you may only be able to swallow 1-2 tablespoons. It's okay if you want to start with smaller portions, later you can add portions over time.

For this stage, in addition to consuming yogurt cream, you can also smooth out the following types of food:

  • boiled potato
  • silk tofu
  • low-fat meat
  • fish meat
  • Red beans

Make sure the food is completely crushed until smooth without any solid pieces. To make it smoother, mix the ingredients with water, skim milk, or broth.

Soft food

The next stage is the consumption of soft foods. Of course, the food chosen must be soft and slightly moist. Remember to keep choosing foods that are low in fat and low in sugar. Here are a few choices:

  • low-fat minced meat
  • fish
  • egg
  • cottage cheese
  • our
  • boiled vegetables

Solid food

After going through about two months after bariatric surgery, you have started to eat solid food. The food consumed must be high in nutrition and not junk food. However,

You also have to be careful because there are some foods that can cause pain or nausea while eating as follows:

  • raw vegetables
  • cooked fibrous vegetables like broccoli and corn
  • hard meat
  • the skin on vegetables and fruit such as apples and potatoes

To outsmart, the types of vegetables above you can smooth it first before eating. If you want to eat meat, use special tools, or soak the meat with several ingredients until it becomes tender before it is processed.

Things to consider when eating after bariatric surgery

Even when you have returned to a normal diet, there are a number of things you should keep in mind every time you eat.

  1. Eat three times a day. Maintain this diet at the right time and not interspersed with snacking. When eating too often, it is feared this can lead to excess calorie intake which will increase body weight.
  2. Start eating small portions. Your stomach also needs adjustments after going through bariatric surgery, so it's okay if you can only eat as much as a few spoons. This portion will increase when the situation is getting better, but you also still have to limit the portion of food to go on.
  3. Stop eating when you are full. Do not force food intake because it can make you feel nauseous and uncomfortable afterward.
  4. Chew food until smooth. Openings that direct food from the stomach to the intestine become smaller after surgery, food that is not chewed properly can block this opening. To help, you can cut food into small pieces.
  5. Eat slowly. Eating too fast can make you unknowingly exceed portions before even feeling full. In order not to cause problems, you should eat for at least 20 minutes with one minute of pause in each bite.
  6. Don't drink and eat together. Drink 30 minutes before eating, then wait another 30 minutes after eating. This is done to prevent the stomach from being too full.
  7. Avoid using straws. It is feared that the straw can cause air to enter which will give a full feeling to the stomach.

Remember, your goal in performing a good physical procedure is to lose weight. Therefore, maintain a balanced diet that has been recommended by doctors so that goals can be achieved.

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